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What people are saying about Fund Filer...

"Still loving FundFiler, it really has transformed our record keeping."
Gail Winter,
Croydon Minster
"This is the one cheque I enjoy issuing every year – such good value. Fund Filer just continues to get better and better."
Tony Collacott,
Wat Phra Singh UK
"FF has been a "cakewalk" with a nine month claim being submitted with no probs very slickly and instantly confirmed."
Charles Scott,
Glasgow Cathedral
"I can’t tell you how pleased I am to be using Fund Filer at
last. It has just the right amount of facilities – no overkill.
It also makes any future handover quite simple too.
An excellent product."
Frank Mancktelow,
St Luke, Sevenoaks
"Thank you so much for your help and extreme patience this afternoon… It is very much appreciated and in keeping with the professionalism and caring support provided by your company."
Patrick Brooks,
The Parish of Withycombe Raleigh
"You certainly made my tax reclaiming much, much easier and actually very enjoyable! I have just claimed for GASDS too! I am going to be bored now until next year!"
Elaine Allen,
Ipsden PCC
"We were able to make our claim in record time this year. The system makes claiming so easy and gives me confidence that we are doing everything correctly. It has saved me so much work and worry."
Marie Jones,
HQ Chaplaincy Services, Royal Air Force
"I have to say that I am very impressed; it is a simple programme, easy to understand and importantly, to use - I am confident that it will ease our somewhat laborious Gift Aid management processes. Already I believe that we have identified missed opportunities and I believe that we will more than cover the annual cost of the software in reclaimed tax."
Alex Hammerstein, St. George, Modbury
"Fund Filer is the greatest invention for Gift Aid. It is so difficult to make a claim using the HMRC method and Excel."
Anne-Mary Wharton,
Parish of Kilmorack & Erchless
"Your system meets all the requirements we would set...
If used correctly it is well-geared to charities that rely on volunteer or part time help..."